Many others came up with things effectively like E = mcc even prior to Einstein. See the URL for example for that discussion. Below I show a rough example calculation that is a different "language" variant of a calculation that was done at the URL of where I show intermediate steps and where E/c could for example come from. Thomas Phipps has also written that there are other covering theories besides Einstein's special theory of relativity that would come up with E=mcc. Still with the equation popping out from various places, I am suggesting that we start to think beyond its confining constraint. The relation E=mcc only deals with the effective large but finite energy within matter. It says nothing about how much power in the form of gravity (for example) is continually being radiated from matter. In other words, if we have a continual source of power (in the form of gravity) radiating out of a mass m, the total energy produced by such a mass is unbounded (with large enough considered time) or is not limited by any particular constant value such as E=mcc. There is always the large but finite mcc but with infinite time there is infinite energy that is radiated by each and every mass m. Even in this small portion of our universe there is much, much more energy possible than if merely constrained by limited E=mcc thinking. If we knew the total amount of the opposite charges of each type in neutral matter, we might be able to come up with an estimate of the total power in the form of gravity being continually radiated from within neutral matter. I am ignoring for now where that extra energy comes from, as I am not addressing where the electric fields come from that come out of bare charges. We may only want to address the question of where the infinite extra energy is coming from, after it is very well understood that we are getting the extra energy. We must not be limited by such flawed thinking as the Sun is producing its power from hot fusion reactions and that its duration is greatly limited by the supposed rate at which fuel for hot nuclear reactions is consumed. We need to more correctly begin to think along the lines that the Sun actually gets its power from essentially the same mysterious source of power as that producing very high temperature radiation from the solar corona and thus the Sun is not so constrained by hot fusion processes. We need to start putting on our thinking caps. As part of our testing and training here on the Earth it should become clear that we are being given great power opportunities (among many other opportunities) that explicitly require us to make very wise choices. We can look back upon our choices to see how we have done. AEP - 22-23 Feb 2008 You can think of the calculations below as being just another example calculation, which I would hope we could begin to look beyond and not be so limited by. If my comments/calculations are of no help, please ignore them and look at someone else's comments/calculations. Here is an approximate calculation of E=mcc (without using special relativity). The basic idea going on is that a photon with momentum bounces back an forth inside an object, it could be effectively viewed as some equivalent matter within the object. A photon (of wavelength, L, and frequency, f, behaving effectively like something of mass, m, and energy, E = hf, where h is Planck's constant and where the speed of light, c = Lf) departs across the diameter of a massive hollow sphere of diameter, D, and mass, M. The photon has a momentum, h/L = hf/c = E/c. The opposite momentum transferred to the very massive initially stationary sphere upon just leaving an inside edge (or the negative of, when it just hits the distant edge) is in magnitude (1) E/c = Ms, where s is the speed acquired by the sphere. The photon's transit time is almost (2) t = D/c during which time the sphere moves a distance of about (3) d = st. But the total center of mass is unaltered by the process so (when the photon reaches the far edge we have that the final center of mass is zero relative to the initial center of mass) 0 = Md - mD or the equation, dM = mD. Now applying eq. (1) to remove M gives dE/(cs) = mD, which applying eq. (3) to remove d gives stE/(cs) = mD or equivalent equation, tE/c = mD, which applying eq. (2) to remove t gives equation, (D/c)E/c = mD which gives equation, E = mcc. Again see the Internet reference shown above. AEP - 22-23 Feb 2008 Even when a photon of energy, E, is not confined within an object, it will still radiate out gravity (or power) because of charges disturbed in the Dirac sea. That is we should not assume that the property of radiation of power disappears when the energy is no longer confined. Similarly because of the charges disturbed in the Dirac sea, we should assume that the photon is bent or directed because of gravity (as those charges are pulled slightly downward or back in the direction that the from which the graviton came from). There is still a correspondence between mass and energy corresponding to gravity. Photons have long been known to have been bent by gravity. That is what caused Einstein's more general theory of relativity to gain greater popular acceptance. It didn't prove it correct but it was a prediction that came to pass. I don't think the theory was correct as it was the gravitons that was the true cause of the light being bent (rather that the distortion of the space-time or the photons following their geodesics). AEP - 23 Feb 2008 Use back on your browser to go back or else apply the URL or if appropriate use or to effectively go back to my Internet site. AEP - 23 Feb 2008