__________ http://www1.iwvisp.com/LA4Park/PhysicsSummaryNews.txt Date(s): 30 Sep 2011 To view the plain text file, one might right click -> View source, then if possible Format -> Word Wrap Use Back on browser to return to http://www1.iwvisp.com/LA4Park/ (after exiting, if in "View source" mode). __________ Current Summaries. PhysicsSummaryNews.txt (found on http://www1.iwvisp.com/LA4Park/) should contain an example of one of the emails that I sent out (or will send out) regarding links to GravitySummaryNews.txt, its associated figures, and current summary comments. The current summary comments and CosmicRays.txt (also found on http://www1.iwvisp.com/LA4Park/) include a simple explanation (using gravitons) of how cosmic rays (meaning cosmic particles) can attain such astonishingly-enormous kinetic energies. The example email contains a brief summary paragraph of physics fundamentals. -- GravitySummaryNews.txt has gone out to the world. The Bessler principle is a greatly overlooked key or fine experimental tool for probing matter and for explaining much about the proper physics. The Bessler principle explains large numbers of otherwise unexplained-or-poorly-explained phenomena. Despite much evidence in hindsight, the Bessler principle (and its many associated phenomena) has been hidden or covered up or ignored or suppressed for the last three hundred years. Starting with Bessler covering his wheel and hiding the explanations, it has tragically been the biggest unintended coverup in physics in the last 300 years. When will the truth about it be widely discussed without suppression? -- Using the Bessler principle, the CSX.COM trains should at least double their mileage beyond the currently phenomenal 468 miles (for moving a ton of freight) using a gallon of fuel, if they doubled the number of same mass wheels on each railroad car (assuming the same type of bearings are used for each wheel). -- Many vehicles would greatly increase their miles per gallon of normal fuel, if they used GEET reactors to rotationally rip apart alternative fuel of translationally cool water molecules by energetic two-part gravitons according to the Bessler principle. -- Even ignoring the substantial extra energy benefits from the Bessler principle, if the high quality Orffyrean roller bearings were redeveloped, then many companies (needing ultra-low-friction mechanical roller bearings for competitive high efficiency) would generate millions of dollars of new sales, as there would be great demand for such very-energy-efficient, low-maintenance long-lasting, capable-yet-quiet bearings for cars, motorcycles, bicycles, railroad car wheels, trucks, airplanes, jet aircraft, ships, submarines, tumbler kilns, dryers, washers, mowers, farm equipment, windmill turbines, hydroelectric power generators, motors, evaporative coolers, rotational kinetic energy storage devices, cooling fans, internal combustion engines, Stirling engines, Tesla turbines, Papp engines, robot joints, computer hard drives, etc. Whichever company/individual that/who first redevelops the highly-energy-efficient Orffyrean roller bearing (for cost-effective production) could make many millions of dollars (if not billions of dollars) in sales of bearings. Some companies ignoring the Orffyrean roller bearing, by not purchasing them for their bearings, could experience diminished sales. I think that Bessler and I have provided the basics of his manufacturing process, though Bessler's writings were encoded. I think I provided (in GravitySummaryNews.txt) the main decoded steps that I think went into Bessler's particular process. There should be many modern variants of Bessler's process that could be used in the manufacturing processes. For example, many plastic/metal variants of such bearings might be molded, assembled, and bonded/held together. As gifts to mankind, I have made Bessler's decoded information freely available. Bessler should properly though belatedly be given credit for his invention and his principle. The Orffyrean roller bearings would not be lubricated, since small Orffyrean lobes (on all moving/touching surfaces) would purely roll without slipping within corresponding Orffyrean lobe holes. Steps should be taken to keep the bearings clean and free of contaminants. AEP - 30 Sep 2011 __________ From: AldenEugenePark@gmail.com Subject: links to GravitySummaryNews.txt & figures, physics summary comments including explanation of cosmic rays To: jcollins@free-energy.co.uk Date: 30 Sep 2011 Dear John Collins, I thought you might like to see some of these GravitySummaryNews.txt related links and comments. The comments include a simple explanation (using gravitons) of how cosmic rays (meaning cosmic particles) can attain such astonishingly-enormous kinetic energies. A brief summary paragraph of physics is included. Links. Here are the links to GravitySummaryNews.txt and the associated nine figures. I am not trying to directly send out the long article GravitySummaryNews.txt, as I previously tried to do. I figured it pretty much covered gravity and some of its ignored implications. http://www1.iwvisp.com/LA4Park/GravitySummaryNews.txt The .TIF or .JPG versions of the figures are located at http://www1.iwvisp.com/LA4Park/ with the file names: Fig1_PullOrPush.TIF (or Fig1_PullOrPush.JPG), Fig2_Direction.TIF (or Fig2_Direction.JPG), Fig3_Offset.TIF (or Fig3_Offset.JPG), Fig4_Timing.TIF (or Fig4_Timing.JPG), Fig5_BesslerPrinc1.TIF (or Fig5_BesslerPrinc1.JPG), Fig6_BesslerPrinc2.TIF (or Fig6_BesslerPrinc2.JPG), Fig7_BesslerPrinc3.TIF (or Fig7_BesslerPrinc3.JPG), Fig8_Equal_Component.TIF (or Fig8_Equal_Component.JPG), and Fig9_Roller_Angles.TIF (or Fig9_Roller_Angles.JPG). Bessler Principle Experiments. I am trying to encourage NASA (see message to NASA at the end of this email) to do simple Bessler principle related experiments under ultra-low-friction rotation conditions in space. If you have occasion to encourage NASA or astronauts or others to do such fundamental experiments in space or during long-duration free-fall flights concerning the Bessler principle, would you let your opinion be known? As of 30 Sep 2011, I have received no feedback from NASA. A school or university could request that NASA/others do experiments to learn what would actually happen under conditions of ultra-low-friction rotations about horizontal axes. No one (to my knowledge) has tried to replicate the 1968 McKinley low friction demonstration to verify or find out what actually happens under a condition of ultra-low-friction rotation about a horizontal axis. Wheel Examples. According to the Bessler principle, a cylinder rotating with very low friction in space about a "horizontal" axis would increase in its angular speed until power delivered by the Bessler principle (from energetic gravitons with each having two separate pull down parts) is in equilibrium with the power removed by rotational friction. {"Horizontal" means that it is nearly in any direction that is perpendicular to the vertical direction of propagation for the gravitons. Practically "vertical" can be taken as the ray going from the prior center of the huge gravitating object to the object under consideration.} For the currently predominate situations with much friction, equilibrium occurs when the wheel is stationary. Bessler Wheels. Angular speed increases were observed in the cases of the four most famous wheels built in Europe by Bessler in the early 1700's, which I think used special, very-low-friction mechanical roller bearings. I think that Bessler's bearings used nearly pure rolling without any slipping and without any lubrication. Normal smooth cylinders rolling over a surface have a point in contact with the surface for only a small angle. One can see this for one's self with a nickel or penny slowly rolling over a smooth flat surface. I think that Bessler specially grew lobes and lobe holes on his steel surfaces so that a tiny lobe could stay in rolling-without-slipping contact with a corresponding size lobe hole over an amazingly huge rotation angle of about 25 degrees (according to the specification diagram that Bessler provided on the final page of his "Apologia" or more precisely Orffyreus' "Apologische Poesie und Poetische Apologie Von seinem MOBILE PER SE und PERPETUUM MOBILE"). I can show this specification diagram to those who are interested in seeing it. The diagram may be found on page 189 of John Collins' 1997 book, "Perpetual Motion: An Ancient Mystery Solved?" Hopefully the Orffyrean roller bearing can be reinvented (for monetary benefit) by some enterprising individual or group, possibly using the primary instructions that I provided for doing so (for example found within GravitySummaryNews.txt). There was a dual benefit of Bessler's unusual design. The bearings were very low friction and they provided extra mechanical support so that they could carry very heavy loads. New Energy Era. As evidence that the new energy era has begun, see the long video on the Internet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXygPuWltyU where they demonstrated for research/educational purposes that one can burn (after rotationally ripping apart molecules in the vapor using energetic gravitons within a GEET reactor) a blend of 50% water and 50% gasoline. The liquids were consumed in roughly equal amounts. The implications of so "burning" water as a fuel supplement to an ordinary fuel should be obvious. Hopefully the GEET reactors will pave the way for the introduction of the reinvented Papp engines (possibly using my supplementary instructions for reinventing them) and the new energy era should proceed onward from there with stable local sources of energy available. Simplest Explanations. Many other phenomena can be explained by the two-part graviton and the associated Bessler principle. I think it is much simpler or more correct to have many things easily explained using a single logical principle than to have many mysteries unexplained or poorly explained without it. I am suspecting that some people who received or heard reference to the 19 March 2011 message GravitySummaryNews.txt disbelieve the message of the Bessler principle. For example, some people (without thinking much about the situation and the contrary evidence) seem to want to believe that the sun obtains its power from hot fusion (rather than the actual/correct Bessler principle). For about three score years we have been exposed to the Sirens' call that the sun receives its power from hot fusion. If the sun obtained its power purely from hot fusion, then the portions of the sun with the most exposure to the 3 degrees Kelvin background temperature of space would be the coldest. The exact opposite is observed in practice. The sunspots are deeper, darker, and cooler than the 6000 degrees Kelvin photosphere. The far outer edges of the sun's atmosphere produce some highly curious radiation associated with temperatures corresponding to one million degrees Kelvin. The Bessler principle easily explains the situations but some people seem to cling to incorrect beliefs or remain in silence, if they are exposed to the evidence. Maybe some things have not changed much in the last 300 years. Isaac Newton kept officially silent about the Bessler wheel but threw barbs at it from behind the scenes; possibly since his rival Gottfried Leibnitz favored the Bessler wheels, as somehow important. See Collins' 1997 book for more details. Newton would not come out officially against the Bessler wheel, maybe since the Bessler wheel could be uncovered or sold at any time. Newton surely didn't want to end up on the losing side of such a battle. Privately Newton must have been highly interested in the situation, as he tried to study various means by which gravity might be used to provide steady power to a perpetual motion machine. For evidence of that see p. 14 of Collins' 1997 book. Newton apparently neglected to consider in his studies that a tiny graviton could be composed of two separate parts. By the experimental method, the truth will eventually prevail, despite ignoring of the truth. Is Physical Theory/Law More Important Than Experiment? Have we entered a time when we shouldn't do an experiment because we know what the result must be before we have done any such first experiments? Have we gone back to the times that Galileo Galilei was struggling to overcome (with respect to theory being more important than experiment)? Rotating cylinders in space might sound silly, but is that any reason for not doing the experiment? Doubling the number of same-mass same-bearing wheels on railroad cars might sound a little silly but is that any reason for not doing the experiment to see if that actually improves the miles/gallon for transporting a ton of freight? Would Galileo be ashamed of his intellectual offspring (for not paying attention to the experimental method that he advocated)? Do we still believe that the sun's power comes from hot fusion, despite the measured evidence that is otherwise? Are GEET reactors obviously impossible (despite the abundant evidence for them) because they surely violate the so called laws of physics? Were the Bessler wheels and their modern day example of the spring 1968 McKinley low-friction-demonstration obviously impossible because they surely must have violated the laws of physics? Shouldn't any law of physics be subject to experimental testing? When are we going to follow Galileo's lead and simply do the experiments instead of just saying it is impossible because of an infallible law of conservation of energy? Are gravitons forbidden to provide more rotational kinetic energy to particles rotating about horizontal axes in space, when the particles are allowed to rotate with ultra-low friction? Are attractive gravitons forbidden to attractively contact cosmic ray particles (traveling in space with ultra-low translational friction) head-on and so provide greater translational kinetic energy to those particles? Are electric fields forbidden to change the energy of the charge that absorbs them? Must we send to mental hospitals (as was improperly done for a couple of years to the inventor of the GEET reactor) those brave individuals who refuse to bow down to or who refuse to believe in the golden man-made-idol named "Conservation of Energy Law"? Transition to Renewable Energy Sources. It would be wise to admit the truth (uncovered by experiment) and gradually transition from energy based on burning fossil fuels to energy based on the Bessler principle. This would avoid any future oil crises, due to either dwindling oil supplies or oil supplies being interrupted. Greater use of the GEET reactors will help make that transition and so help prevent our energy sources from being disrupted. Increase Faith in God. If you are interested in somewhat increasing your faith in God, then this paragraph might be of interest. The graviton can only be formed from two discrete electric fields coming from opposite fundamental charges, which discrete fields must be perfectly aligned in a common straight direction for them to travel together as a pair. This makes the production of gravitons extremely rare relative to the local production by fundamental charges of unpaired discrete electric fields. "... all things denote there is a God ..." is seen in Alma 30:44. A two-part graviton, when eventually attractively absorbed in matter (in total self-sacrifice), might suggest a message, "Come unto Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father in the flesh and follow Him according to that perfect path." An energetic two-part graviton, when eventually absorbed in matter (in total self-sacrifice), allows new rotational kinetic energy in matter to come into being according to the prior turning of that matter. This might suggest an underlying message from the Lord, "Come and turn more unto me with my help, according to your prior turning unto me." An energetic two-part graviton can eventually give up everything in total self-sacrifice that "new" fundamental matter may arise (and perpetually exist) by pulling down on two opposite fundamental charges temporarily available within starlight. This might suggest an underlying message from the Lord, "Come unto God ye children of the light and have eternal life." All perpetually existing matter continually for eternity radiates energetic two-part gravitons. All matter continually for eternity bears testimony of Jesus Christ. The very physics of the universe bears record of its creator. Any finite collection of matter over all eternity would be ancestral matter to infinite new arisen matter. The matter directly arising from it would be unbounded in its numbers, given enough time. Isaiah 50:3 says, "I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering." Hymn 284 says "There is no end to matter; There is no end to space". Worlds without end will keep coming forth by the works of God. The fundamental positive and negative charges could be considered to be the basic constituents of fine spirit matter (see D&C 131:7-8). Also see the paragraph entitled, "Gravity and the Living Universe", within "About Me", in my 24 Oct 2010 profile which may be found by searching for Alden gravity or Alden universe (on http://mormon.org/). The arrangement of fundamental matter into matter (in the steady state growing universe) rather than anti-matter would seem to depend on the specific choice by God. What is now our extended Milky Way galaxy should with time become a very large number of galaxies, with this replication process continuing forever. Universal Expansion. We can somewhat think of the infinite mass of the infinite universe locally linearly expanding in all directions at about the same rate forever. There is expansion by photon propulsion, according to photons absorbed. The expansion is not according to photons produced, as there is essentially a net cancellation for each star. The range of the attractive gravitons is often much greater than the range of the photons, which photons deliver repulsive blows as their momenta are absorbed by stars. The range of gravity is long but finite because of eventual absorption of the gravitons, which absorptions approximately affect new dark matter nearly isotropically (keeping it cold). The universe would be expanding according to a steady state theory of the universe. The energetic gravitons (acting on starlight) provide for new fundamental mass coming into being. This is strongly suggested since (1) energetic gravitons provide additional rotational kinetic energy according to the experimentally observed Bessler principle and (2) there are vast amounts of dark matter actually observed far out in space (causing it to be dark at night). New fundamental matter continually coming into being would appear to create an infinite matter heritage, since new matter would continually produce energetic gravitons forever, many of the energetic gravitons would produce new fundamental matter from starlight, new matter would continually produce energetic gravitons forever, and this process would continue forever. The explanation for "Acceleration of Cosmic Rays" (as discussed below) gives further evidence for the steady state theory of the universe. The big bang theory would be incorrect, according to the strong evidence in favor of the steady state theory. With the universal local expansion of the universe, the universe would be locally rarified, if it were not for local production of new matter. The infinitely extending universe contains infinite matter. Doubling the matter of the universe would still yield an infinite extent universe with infinite matter. One could say that twice infinity is still infinity. This process could be continued with the universe always containing infinite matter forever, while the matter keeps doubling any number of times. To somewhat get a rough idea of the expansion geometry, one could imagine an infinite number of balloons of the same radius (for example arranged in a close packed arrangement) and all having their radii increasing at a constant rate. Their relative arrangements or relationships would remain the same as they expand forever. Speed of Light. In a steady state expanding infinite universe, the speed of light (relative to a distant location of the universe) can be any particular value, though the reference location may need to be exceedingly distant (far beyond what we can currently observe). The speed of light would locally be nearly a constant though varying according to the local preponderance of surrounding interacting-matter. That speed would be locally a constant with respect to the matter that the light interacts with (but a smaller speed for a larger index of refraction). The index of refraction in the medium is the ratio of the local speed of light in vacuum to the local speed of light in the medium. The preponderance of local surrounding interacting-matter might also weakly (yet explicitly) include the stationary fundamental matter that temporarily has come forth within starlight and maybe also the infinite matter that has not yet come forth. All these things should account for the Michelson-Morley and Fizeau types of experimental results. The gravitons would be traveling at the speed of light with respect to the surrounding matter (that they interact with), which has relevance with respect to the "Acceleration of Cosmic Rays" as discussed below. The gravitons would not be traveling at a constant speed of light relative to a single cosmic ray particle, as the cosmic ray particle (traveling through so called "empty" space) does not by itself represent the preponderance of the surrounding interacting-matter. Physics Summary News. All normal forces come from discrete electric fields coming from existing fundamental charges. Gravitational forces would be due to pairs of discrete electric fields traveling together from existing fundamental opposite charges. The convenient magnetic "fields" or related forces would actually be due to the absorption of discrete electric fields emanating from existing fundamental charges with those source fundamental charges changing their locations. A photon would be a very large collection of discrete electric fields traveling together. Nuclear forces would be due to the close interaction of fundamental opposite charges, associated with large amounts of emanations and absorptions of discrete electric fields, according to their organization. Anti-matter would be the opposite organization from ordinary matter of fundamental charges. A discrete electric field would be a propagated ripple traveling at about the speed of light in space consisting of stationary fundamental charges of one type momentarily appearing and disappearing. Kinetic energy is rarely conserved when a discrete electric field is absorbed by a fundamental charge. Potential energy is an artificial concept, which is often approximately convenient. Many quantum particle and photon effects can be based upon the group behaviors of many miniature fundamental charges. Acceleration of Cosmic Rays. See http://www1.iwvisp.com/LA4Park/CosmicRays.txt for some related discussion on cosmic rays. Cosmic rays would be those ancient particles cast off mainly from extremely distant stars and novae that have happened to have their speed greatly increased by a great many gravitons. They are more likely to encounter gravitons head-on than from the rear and so would tend to be accelerated more according to their prior acquired speed. As long as they survive, then the faster they are traveling implies the faster they will be going because of the preferential acceleration by the gravitons. In an automobile analogy, many more cars are locally observed by a moving car going by in the opposite direction than in the car's direction. That is the case despite equal actual rates of cars traveling in each direction. The fastest cars will be passed by very few cars going faster in their direction. Another moving automobile analogy is that more raindrops hit the front windshield than the back windshield. The many attractive somewhat-isotropic direction gravitons tend to serve as cosmic accelerators for the fast cosmic particles. Gravity is not just some sort of continuous property of space. Einstein apparently realized that idea when he heard of evidence about gravity shadowing anomalies during total solar eclipses. Primary cosmic rays are greatly energetic particles of cosmic origin that have much to say about the nature of the universe. The distribution of cosmic rays from beyond this galaxy (for a given particle type and kinetic energy) is nearly independent of direction of origin. The flux gradually decreases as their energies increase. These things together speak of a gradual steady cosmic acceleration of the particles for their formation, rather than cataclysmic one-time events providing these diverse energetic particles and nearly uniform fluxes from all directions. Nearly continual acceleration by the attractive gravitons should be an obvious and simple explanation for these things. I am aware of no other reasonable explanation. That the cosmic rays are so highly energetic provides some evidence that there are very large numbers of galaxies far beyond the visible galaxies, which provides evidence for the steady state theory of the universe. They have come from extremely distant places assuming that they have not collided with things so as to be destroyed (other than attractive gravitons which keep increasing their kinetic energies). The anti-particle cosmic rays might first be produced by collisions of energetic cosmic particles with matter. Then the anti-particle cosmic rays can be accelerated by gravitons. This logic is predicated upon an assumption that matter rather than anti-matter dominates across the infinite universe, which assumption appears to be validated by the distributions of the cosmic rays found. If anti-matter (rather than matter) were predominant in some greatly distant galaxies (even beyond visible ranges), then there would tend to be a larger numbers of the anti-particles coming from them (with comparable energies associated with those vast distances), but they are not observed. Admittedly there would be a greater reduction of cosmic rays composed of anti-particles, as they would be more likely to interact with common nuclei/matter of opposite charge, but I think that the reduction is insufficient to explain the very small fraction of anti-particle cosmic rays. There are no directions in space that are preferential sources of anti-particle primary cosmic rays from beyond our galaxy. Detailed analysis of the anti-particle cosmic rays should provide more evidence that visible galaxies and many galaxies not currently visible are made of ordinary matter rather than anti-matter. These things provide evidence in favor of the steady state theory of the universe. Given that the steady state theory has more supporting evidence and given the matter instead of anti-matter evidence, it would seem reasonable or consistent with such evidences to assume that some large collections of galaxies once came from an individual ancient galaxy predominantly composed of ordinary matter (rather than anti-matter). Because of the Bessler principle, cosmic rays should incidentally also tend to acquire rotations about axes perpendicular to their direction of travel. Such rotating cosmic ray particles may produce an especially energetic photon, when they encounter say an electron, as rotational and translational kinetic energy of the cosmic ray particle is reduced. Turn the Turner. I am trying to help turn the greatly ignored/suppressed turner. Trying to help others understand and make better use of the Bessler principle is like trying to get a vast wheel to turn from a completely stopped initial condition, while only able to give it very tiny initial pushes. There is much wheel friction and rotational inertia that must be first overcome. I am trying to help others put on their thinking caps for the benefit and security of the world. The date 6 Jun 2012 marks the three hundredth year of the first turning of Bessler's Gera wheel. Hopefully that date will show an increase in the more direct use of the Bessler principle. Sincerely yours, Alden E. Park - 30 Sep 2011 - Ridgecrest, California AldenEugenePark@gmail.com LA4Park@iwvisp.com 922 West Franklin Avenue Ridgecrest, CA 93555-5110 (760)375-6857 http://www1.iwvisp.com/LA4Park/ Thoughtfully conserve energy using tips from the Bessler principle. __________ On 18 Jun 2011, I sent the message below regarding a simple, direct outer space experiment related to the Bessler principle. I sent that message to NASA using the Internet URL http://www.nasa.gov/centers/johnson/external_relations/university/ (as I couldn't find a more appropriate URL to send the message by). I should have noted that the cylinder should increase in angular speed until the power supplied by the Bessler principle is equal to the power removed by friction. A very rapidly rotating cylinder could decrease in its angular speed until the power removed by friction is equal to the power supplied by the Bessler principle. Contact University Research and Affairs Office * Indicates a required field *Name: Alden Eugene Park Address Line 1: 922 W. Franklin Ave. Address Line 2: City: Ridgecrest State: CA Country: USA Postal Code: 93555-5110 Telephone: 760-375-6857 *E-Mail: AldenEugenePark@gmail.com Message: I suggest that NASA should do an experiment regarding the basis of gravity. The experimental question is, "Can the Bessler principle be observed during very low friction rotations?" During an orbit around the earth, an astronaut or a remotely supervised robot could cause a solid cylinder to rotate with very little friction about its axis of rotational symmetry, with that axis of symmetry nearly perpendicular to a plane formed by the centers of the earth, the sun, and the moon. Will the cylinder increase in its angular speed? I think that it would. The cylinder could be marked so that its rotational motion can be easily observed and recorded using cameras. According to the Bessler principle, the angular speed (relative to a celestial non-rotating frame) would increase because of the time delays between the separate downward attractive impulses (on the fundamental opposite charge pairs rotating within matter) caused by absorption of the two separate discrete electric fields constituting a graviton. The cylinder should increase more in its angular speed with lower friction for the rotations and with larger initial angular speed. Observations Consistency. If there is an increase in angular speed, this would be quite consistent with a large number of gravity related phenomena, including the proper basis for the power being generated by the sun. If the sun received its power primarily from hot fusion, then the temperatures would decrease with more exposure to the 3 degrees Kelvin background temperature of space. The exact opposite is observed. The temperatures tend to increase with greater distance from the center of the sun. The sunspots are deeper, darker, and cooler than the 6000 degrees Kelvin photosphere. The far edges of the solar atmosphere are associated with one million degrees Kelvin temperatures corresponding to those portions of the solar corona. The sun does not get its primary power from hot fusion but rather from the Bessler principle operating on rotating nuclear ground states (mainly protons) often reduced by the amount of interference between nuclei. In sunspots the strong vertical magnetic fields prohibit rotations of nuclear ground states about horizontal axes, and thus prevent the acquisition of power via the Bessler principle. Little interference between protons at the far edges of the solar atmosphere would allow the Bessler principle to cause protons to very rapidly rotate about horizontal axes, so that an electron coming in contact with one of them would produce an energetic photon. The Bessler principle would explain the observations of the 1968 McKinley low friction demonstration. The Bessler principle would also explain how CSX.com can correctly be stating that they can move a ton of freight nearly 500 miles using a gallon of fuel. The two-part gravitons associated with the Bessler principle would explain the gravitational shadowing anomalies observed during total solar eclipses (which in 1954 apparently caused Einstein to doubt his own continuous structures theory of gravity). The shadowing anomalies during total solar eclipses are evidence that discrete gravitons from the sun are absorbed within the moon. With the Bessler principle it would appear that a non-continuous theory of gravity using discrete gravitons would better explain many phenomena, such as why the gravitational forces are so much weaker than the electric forces (5+5=10 formation and absorption constraints for discrete two-part gravitons relative to just two absorption constraints for discrete electric fields). The Bessler principle may be used to explain the Papp engines, the GEET reactors, and many cold fusion results (or the interactions of rotating nuclear ground states often initiated by the mechanism of the Bessler principle). Anyone saying that the Bessler principle is energy non-conservative should consider that a charge absorbing a discrete electric field has its velocity changed and rarely is this kinetic energy conservative. There are no physical potential energy fields magically hanging out in space. The potential energies are often useful approximations but they ignore absorption of the discrete electric fields. Gauss' law is an approximation that ignores absorption of the discrete electric fields. More information on gravity and the Bessler principle is available from http://www1.iwvisp.com/LA4Park/GravitySummaryNews.txt and the associated figures. See the paragraph on my Mormon.org profile, "Gravity and the Living Universe". Evidence for the energetic two-part graviton (such as evidence for the Bessler principle non-conservatively providing rotational kinetic energy) is evidence for the steady state theory of the universe and evidence against the big bang theory of the universe. The lifetimes of the stars are much longer than lifetimes according to hot fusion estimates. The energetic two-part gravitons pulling down on starlight strongly suggest a mode for the formation of interstellar matter and thus would suggest where the vast amounts of dark matter are coming from (as would be needed for a steady state theory of the universe). AEP - Sat 18 Jun 2011 __________