File: PartialTruths.txt Date: 15 Jun 2008 To view this file, right click -> View source, then use Notepad to Format -> Word Wrap The devil is and has been countering the "threat" or the Bessler principle coming back from God with a variety of partial truths. There are many such examples. He has been countering for thousands of years. It should come as no surprise that he would not do so now. AEP - 10-12 Jun 2008 He (the devil) and his fallen angels are actively blurring the line between good and evil. If possible, he is trying to have them switch places in people's perceptions. AEP - 10 Jun 2008 Because revelation from God is becoming more obvious, the devil is countering by doing such things as (1) causing many to believe that some "revelation/communication" from evil spirits is coming from God, (2) causing some to believe that some "revelation/communication" from evil spirits is information from depart living spirits, (3) causing some to believe that some "revelation/communication" from evil spirits is psychic phenomena, and (4) causing some to believe that some "revelation/communication" from evil spirits is information from aliens. The list could just keep on going but I think that the point has been sufficiently well made. AEP - 10-13 Jun 2008 You can ask yourself such question as: Does such information lead me toward or keep me away from believing in Jesus Christ? (See Moroni 7:12-17 for guidance.) Does such information lead me toward or keep me away from the Church of Jesus Christ? AEP - 10 Jun 2008 I'm not saying that there can't be alien people/beings on other planets. I'm not saying that we can't receive information from the Holy Ghost. I'm not saying that we can't hear from spirits who have departed from this life. I am emphasizing the understanding of the boundary of what things are really due to God and which things are really due to the devil. If people want to better understand that boundary, they really ought to be applying much continued study to the scriptures, which they understand to have come from God. 11-12 Jun 2008 ---------- Partial Truth of Evolution. The devil is putting forth information that man has evolved from the lower organisms. It is true that genes can now receive mutations but that doesn't prove the devil's partial truth. The devil doesn't need any more advocates than he already has. It is hard to not hear subtle suggestive words regarding our origins so I will not put forth such arguments here. Evolution today is often taken as fact, at face value, without need for any further analysis. AEP - 10 Jun 2008 Scriptural Evidence of Man not Evolving from Lower Organisms. Genesis 1:26-27 reads "26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Note the word "image" in Exodus 20:4. Also see Genesis 5:1-3 which reads "1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. 3 ¶ And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: " See Luke 3:38 which reads "Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God." See the Joseph Smith Translation associated with that verse " . . . who was formed of God, and the first man upon the earth." Prior to the fall of Adam and Eve, they were not mortal (in the flesh subject to death). Adam was in essence perpetual prior to the fall as he was not subject to death. Before the fall, Adam was apparently not subject to genetic mutation as he was not subject to death. See Genesis 2:17 which reads "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Adam and Eve were strange beings prior to their fall (by today's mortal standards). AEP - 10-12 Jun 2008 There are numerous other scriptures, but I will just mention some words. I found a 2003 version of the manual Old Testament Student Manual: Genesis-2 Samuel for Religion 301 on the Internet at , within which Reading 2-18 it shows " First, God, the Father of all men, instituted the creation of this world as a place for men to come to mortality and progress toward their eternal destiny. Second, man is the offspring of deity. Third, the world was not created by chance forces or random accident. Fourth, Adam was the first man and the first flesh on the earth (see Reading 2-16 for a definition of "first flesh" [Moses 3:7]). Fifth, Adam fell from a state of innocence and immortality, and his fall affected all life upon the earth as well as the earth itself. Sixth, the Atonement of Jesus Christ was planned before the world was ever created so that men could come to a fallen earth, overcome death and their sins, and return to live with God. " Also that Reading 2-18 shows "... The word of the Lord declares that Adam was ‘the first man of all men’ (Moses 1:34), ..." Many of the scientists without help from God and under the influence of the devil couldn't get a relatively simple thing like the turning wheel correct. How could we expect them without help from God and under the influence of the devil to correctly understand the more difficult origin of man? Not all scientists ignore God though. Within Reading (2-19) of the Religion 301 manual it gives excerpts from a pamphlet by a Dr. Harold G. Coffin. "The time has come for a fresh look at the evidence Charles Darwin used to support his evolutionary theory, along with the great mass of new scientific information. Those who have the courage to penetrate through the haze of assumptions which surrounds the question of the origin of life will discover that science presents substantial evidence that creation best explains the origin of life. Four considerations lead to this conclusion. "1. Life is unique. "2. Complex animals appeared suddenly. "3. Change in the past has been limited. "4. Change in the present is limited. "Anyone interested in truth must seriously consider these points. The challenge they present to the theory of evolution has led many intelligent and honest men of science now living to reevaluate their beliefs about the origin of life." (Coffin, Creation: The Evidence from Science, p. [1].) I am simplifying some other parts of the Reading 2-18. One really should read it directly. Under the heading "Life Is Unique" it basically says calculate the odds for spontaneous origin and the conclusion is obviously in favor of creation. Under the heading "Complex Animals Appeared Suddenly" there was nothing simple or primitive in the oldest fossil rocks containing highly complex creatures but if the theory of evolution is correct, where are their ancestors? Again creation is the best explanation for the observed data. Under the heading "Basic Kinds of Animals Have Not Changed", "Not only did complicated animals appear suddenly in the lower Cambrian rocks, but the basic forms of animals have not changed much since then. . . . To put it more plainly, this is the problem of the missing links. It is not a case of one missing link. It is not even a case of many missing links. Evolutionists are confronted with the problem of whole sections of the chain of life missing. . . ." Again that favors creation over evolution. Under the heading "Change in the Present Is Limited", With the word "evolution" meaning "change", then to say that evolution is fact would be true but it only presents part of the truth. Laws of genetic inheritance prove evolution in the "change" sense. "Yes, new species of plants and animals are forming today. The almost endless intergradations of animals and plants in the world, the fantastic degeneration among parasites, and the adaptations of offense and defense, lead to the inevitable conclusion that change has occurred. However, the problem of major changes from one fundamental kind to another is still a most pressing unanswered question facing the evolutionist. Modern animals and plants can change, but the amount of change is limited. The laboratories of science have been unable to demonstrate change from one major kind to another, neither has such change happened in the past history of the earth if we take the fossil record at face value." (Coffin, Creation, pp. [13, 15].) AEP - 13 Jun 2008 I think that others are producing strong scientific arguments against evolution of higher organisms from lower organisms, so maybe enough has been said for now. AEP - 13 Jun 2008 ---------- Partial Truth of Belief in Extra-terrestrials/UFOs. If about 1/3 of the spirit children of God were cast off to this earth for not choosing God's plan of allowing free agency associated with a Savior, then there must be billions of evil spirits or fallen angels on this earth. There would be about 33 billion fallen angels, if the total number of mortal people, meaning angels who previously had not fallen (that have or will be sent to this earth) is about 66 billion. There may also be some more younger spirits (people), who are children of God since the war in heaven. One way for the fallen angels to continue to work against God on this planet is to prop up the idea that there are aliens from outer space visiting here. It can make a cover for them to keep people from coming to God and his Son. They can even insert revelation by evil spirits under the guise of communications with extra-terrestrials. They can produce spiritual manifestations. By gaining control over some physical organisms (possibly snakes, etc.) or by developing sensors that are sensitive to them and so subject to their control, they could in principle use advanced technology to create physical evidences of a variety of types (which could include genetically engineered/deformed beings in a craft with some evidence of advanced technology). Many have taken the bait, hook, line, and sinker and attributed it purely to aliens (totally ignoring the more obvious explanation of it being intended, for example in the crash at Roswell, with information intended to be released by some of the 33 billion fallen angels). With a large variety of game plans, they can distract, mislead, confuse others so that people know not where to look. Notice that the exterior saucer shapes in many UFOs have historically seemed to always stay away from anything with shape suggesting rotation about a horizontal axis. They apparently don't want people to think of anything related to the Bessler principle. The evil spirits leak or provide by their communications the things of their choosing that are not in our best interest. They (in the long run or eternally) do not have the best intentions for people in mind. People need to flee to Zion/God as it offers real eternal protection from the increased confusion and increasing tide of evil. AEP - 10-13 Jun 2008 ---------- I read on the Internet about Angel Light coming from a dream. It can apparently view through solid objects (by its great bandwidth) but it causes harm to the things viewed. Could this be a case of fallen angel light? There are two major possibilities for this situation. Either it came from God or it did not come from God. I won't try to answer that question now. Not all dreams are of God. Neither are all dreams of the devil. AEP - 10-13 Jun 2008 Fears were played upon, when nuclear weapons came into being. This might suggest some influence of evil spirits. Still, I think it was better that they came into the hands of the USA before Hitler's Germany could develop them. This world might have been far worse off otherwise. AEP - 12 Jun 2008 Now that these and other technologies have become known, it may be that the evil spirits will continue to attack the spread of the more beneficial Bessler principle (or the more full understanding of the nature of the wheel turning in the presence of gravity). I suppose that a variety of methods could be used, including that of fear that it could be dangerous. Yes it can be dangerous. Fire can be dangerous and fire must be used with responsibility. Speaking of fire, there are some hints that the Bessler principle may play a role in the true understanding of the nature of fire. Future experimenters may want to test this idea out, but higher priority needs to first go to the establishment of the Bessler principle itself and better quantitative understanding of it. Some of the evil spirits could advocate throwing out the good baby (Bessler principle) by playing on our fears that it could grow up and be bad. The evil spirits won't need any help in bringing out the bad. There is much good that has come from the Bessler principle (though we may have not been aware of it). AEP - 12-13 Jun 2008 I think it is possible for people to receive things such as dreams from God and from evil spirits, or else why would God provide guidance on the subject. We can receive bad thoughts but we don't need to dwell on them. We can choose to replace them with good thoughts or good songs. We should not seek to watch bad entertainment but should flee from such. See the standards in the pamphlet "For the Strength of Youth". If you can't find the pamphlet on the Internet, you might ask for one from a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (On 13 Jun 2008, I found a pdf version on the Internet at AEP - 13 Jun 2008 Dates of prior updates: None yet. ---------- Use Back on browser to return to Main or go to or (all after exiting, if in "View source" mode).